Build Generator
The purpose of the generator is to find the best item for a particular slot under the conditions set by the user. For this purpose the user can include or exclude certain stats. The items for all slots are always loaded, but the tool should not be understood in such a way, that all displayed items in the respective combination also count as BiS. Rather, the user should pick the best items from the suggestions. The items are compiled on the basis of the BiS rating value on which the item is based. Class-specific restrictions also apply, such as the use of weapons use of weapons or the use of certain armour classes (Light, Medium, Heavy).
A mouse hover over the icon of the item displays a preview of the item, clicking on the icon opens the item page. A special feature is the essence slot, which fulfils an extra function similar to the game: You can drag the item into this slot to add it to the comparison list. This allows you to compare different items with each other. The best five items can currently be loaded by simply clicking on the generator button again without changing the parameters.